Energising the East: the new technologies enabling offshore revitalisation

Please find below links to the presentations from the Marine, Science & Technology Sector Council’s event on 17th April 2024.

Welcome, Keynote & Skills for Energy

Skills for Energy – Sophie Skipp, EEEGR

Session 1 – Offshore Energy & Planning Panel

SEP & DEP Project Update – Daniel Richards, Equinor

Marine Planning, Renewables and East Marine Plan Updates – Lucy Jackson, MMO

Hornsea 3: Building the Single Largest Offshore Wind Farm in the World – Jason Ledden, Ørsted, Deputy EPC Director Hornsea 3

Session 2 – Subsurface & Environmental Developments

New Insights from High-Resolution 3D Seismic Data – Ed Self, Gardline Limited

Geophysical and Geotechnical Surveys with Local Contractors: Sheringham Shoal & Dudgeon Extension Projects – Antoine Bertrand and Bouchra Souab, Equinor

On understanding the environmental effects of subsea cable electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – Andrew Gill, Cefas

Reconstructing Palaeo-Environments for Offshore Wind Development – Anthony Fogg, Ørsted, Senior Geophysicist

Short Course – Ground Modelling – Roger Birchall, SSE

A practical demonstration of the benefits of using eDNA in assessing offshore fish populations over traditionally scientific trawling and landings data – Sebastian Mynott, Applied Genomics Limited

Session 3 – AI & New Technology

Up and Coming Technology and Innovation – Katie Snell, Connected Innovation

Artificial Intelligence Helps Offshore Revitalisation – Dr Wenjia Wang, UEA, and Dr Richard Dowdeswell, GeoAcoustics

AI Influencing Marine Survey and Technology – Elliot Shilling, ROVCO

Integrated Ground Model building and management; De-risking windfarms with an interoperable, interconnected environment – Becky Bodger, Seequent

Can a different approach to data lead to cheaper, better and more sustainable offshore wind projects – Alison Lucas-Collier, Sulmara

Space East: The dawn of a new opportunity – Stuart Catchpole, Space East

Session 4 – Regional Expertise

Accelerating the EIA process – the OWEKH approach – Jon Rees, The Crown Estate

An update on the seaweed and oyster projects – Willie Athill, Norfolk Seaweed

Why Robot? The case for Marine Autonomous Systems in Offshore Renewable Energy Developments – Jonathan Bailey, ORE Catapult

ECO Wind: BOWIE: Towards enabling sustainable expansion of offshore wind while protecting marine benthic biodiversity and functioning – Gaetano Grilli, UEA, Norwich Business School
