Andy Macdonald – ORE Catapult

Andy Macdonald is the Director of Offshore Wind Development and Operations at the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult. Andy has responsibility for the Catapult’s extensive portfolio of projects in Smart Operations & Maintenance (O&M), working closely with offshore wind developers to accelerate the development of both fixed and floating offshore wind farms, reduce costs and grow the UK supply chain to meet both domestic and international demand for clean energy products and services.

Andy joined the Catapult in 2013 as Senior Innovation Manager and has been responsible for the successful delivery of high impact innovation programmes with UK SMEs.  Most recently he led the development of the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP), the £100m industry-funded UK supply chain growth programme and he will continue to oversee delivery of the programme in his new role.

Prior to joining ORE Catapult, Andy worked in the tidal energy sector and he has hands-on experience of project development and supply chain optimisation.  He has cross-sector innovation expertise having worked on the development and introduction of new technologies across telecoms, IT and energy industries.