Opergy Group

We are a group of leading industry professionals working collaboratively with our clients to improve business performance and deliver benefits that support the clients? aims and objectives in line with business strategies. In addition to our core team, we are also able to draw on the skills of a wide range of associates, consultants and partners to match the specific needs of the client. Opergy is also a founding partner of Hydrogen East and Net Zero East.
- Strategy and Research
- Innovation and Growth
- Finance and Investment
- Property and Infrastructure
- Commercial and Project Management
Classifications: Support Services
Sectors: Bio-Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Decommissioning, Gas Storage, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Industry Support Services, Marine, Micro Generation, Nuclear, Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas, Onshore Wind, Solar, Transmission & Distribution, Wave & Tidal
Contact Details
Tel: 0333 3704429
Web: opergy.co.uk/
Manor Farm Barns
Fox Road
Framingham Pigot
NR14 7PZ