
About NovaVis
We're mapping and connecting the supply chain that supports Offshore Alternative Renewable Energy industry. Who should care and participate?

Businesses Seeking Growth:

If you're involved in any way in the existing maritime or energy sectors, offshore alternative renewable energy is a huge opportunity. We get you knowledgeable, connected and in front of the people driving the industry. In effect, we become part of your business development team.

Prime and Sub-Contractors:

If you're up the food chain and need to buy quality goods and services, the risk of bad information and poor transparency is crucial in terms of being on time, to spec and in budget. In effect, we become part of your program and risk management efforts.


If you're a city, town, county, region or state along the coast, you need the information to determine how to grow jobs. In effect, we become part of your economic development team.

Be Found

If your business can't be found by the upstream players, the Offshore Alternative Renewable Energy opportunity will pass you by. Get in the game and our directory like the 100's of others that already have.

Be Efficient

Getting the most from the least requires effective, seamless collaboration. Our private work spaces provide partners and clients the means to do so. Work smarter, not harder.

Be Smart

Every vendor is in the same boat with Offshore Alternative Renewable Energy. And that is, in the dark. Who to contact, how to discuss transacting business. Join our industry forums and experts where we shed more light.

Be Frugal

Becoming a registered user and having a business profile in NovaVis are FREE. Our premium services get you with experts and in front of decisions makers. To learn more, CONTACT US.

  • NovaVis is engaged in industry academic coordination
  • Academic partners include U.S. and European University
  • NovaVis connects the parties in a collaborative platform
  • NovaVis coordinates European intellectual capital
  • NovaVis is engaged in regulatory coordordination

Contact Details

Tel: 757 619 7670


222 W 21st St, Ste F #176
