Media & Crisis Management (MCM) Ltd

Our unrivalled emergency response network supports over 90% of the UK's gas production and supply. MCM is a total crisis management company, providing 24 hour operational and reputational support to clients on a retained basis. MCM has been in operation since 1997 and has clients in oil & gas, renewables, engineering, marine, distribution. MCM has a network of regional response teams across the British Isles and delivering 24-7-365 local expert assistance to people and companies affected by an incident.
2020 Coronavirus update:
We have developed a database of transport and accommodation resources to support Energy Industry Key workers affected by coronavirus. We also have teams of expert Responders across our network who can provide local assistance, such as shopping and liaison with colleagues, family members, etc.
Categories of Key Workers Supported:
We have identified a list of specific resources that can support coronavirus cases categorised as unaffected, potentially affected but asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic untested, tested and confirmed. We can also support more serious cases who have been taken to hospital, helping them and visitors as practical. We can advise EEEGR members and other businesses or organisations about what is available, so they can develop a realistic plan for coronavirus cases, whether that be travel or to remain in isolation locally.
We are a 24/7/365 service, so may be of most help outside normal hours. In addition to this important information, we can provide a crisis response service to help manage a person?s transit and onward travel, subject to a temporary commercial arrangement that will be agreed with individual companies.
Where a retainer arrangement is confirmed, MCM can also deploy Responders locally to support all categories, keeping a safe social distance at all times.
- Crisis Communications
- Incident Management Teams/Rooms
- Evacuee Support
- Media Handling Training
- Relative/Media Call Centre
Classifications: Support Services
Sectors: Gas Storage, Industry Support Services, Offshore Wind, Oil & Gas, Onshore Wind
Contact Details
Tel: 0844 8008177
Response House
5c Alkmaar Way