CMS-GeoScience Ltd
CMS GeoScience Ltd is a multi faceted organisation specialising in the collection of data both above and below the seabed in order to provide accurate and clear reports to aid in the planning and execution of marine based projects around the globe. The organisation owns and operates a 24m survey vessel, the MV FlatHolm, which is classified by the UK Maritime Coastguard Authority to work up to 60 nautical miles offshore and which provides accommodation for up to 12 persons, including a crew of 4. The Geotechnical equipment owned and operated by CMS GeoScience is robust and proven to work in the toughest of environments, collecting accurate and reliable data, both physical and digital The current geotechnical equipment suite includes multiple High Powered Vibrocorers, Standard Vibrocorers, Hand Held Corers, Gravity Corers, Piston Corers, Grabs & Trawls. All the equipment is maintained to rigorous standards and complies with all required regulatory lift testing certificates which are updated every 6 months in line with current safety legislation. An in- house mechanical design engineering department works continuously to maintain and improve the efficiency of all operational equipment within the organisation. The organisation has sites in three key strategic locations around the UK - Lowestoft, Plymouth & Falmouth
- Continuously striving to maintain the highest ethical standards
- Working to reduce our environmental impact
- Always operating in a compliant and transparent manner
- Maintaining the highest safety standards
- Producing the highest quality data for our clients