Event Description

On Monday 4 November, we will be welcoming Tancrede Veillet Lavallee, Senior Trade and Investment Adviser – Renewables, British Embassy Paris to the EEEGR office for a briefing on the Offshore Wind Market in France.
This briefing will be via Teams and is free to attend for all – to register your place please book via the form at the bottom of the page and a link will be sent to your registered email before the event.
On October 18th, the French Government published its long-awaited offshore wind maritime spatial plan. It represents an important milestone in achieving France’s targets of 18 GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2035 and 45 GW by 2050.
The consultation phases for the 3rd Multiannual Energy Programme’s (PPE3), the document that sets precise objectives per sector for the development of renewable energy in France, will be launched on 2 November and last six weeks. Its publication is essential for the launch of the AO10 call for tenders, the volume of which is expected to be between 8 and 10 GW and attributed by the autumn of 2026. Offshore studies of these areas will begin to be carried out by the State and RTE in the coming weeks. One or more competitive tendering procedures (AO11 onwards) are intended to be launched in a second phase, for projects commissioned by 2040, totally 6.3 GW.
While AO10 promises many opportunities in the future, France has three fully-commissioned offshore wind farms and a multitude of projects at different phases of development worth several GW of offshore wind. These promise opportunities across the supply chain for British businesses looking to penetrate a market that is only just getting started.
Additional information is available via the DBT October 2024 – Offshore Wind Factsheet – France – see below.