Event Description
The East of England Marine Science & Technology Sector Council is pleased to announce their 2025 event, tailored specifically to this exciting industry. Hear from offshore wind developers, operators, survey contractors, environmental consultants and leading industry organisations on upcoming projects, new technologies and innovations and alternative energy progression and enjoy networking opportunities with industry professionals and members of the supply chain representing the whole of the energy sector here in the East of England.
Following the fantastic feedback received from the students who joined us in May of this year, we will again be running a parallel careers and networking session in a separate area, with stands available for sponsors.
Agenda (additional speakers to be added)
Open and Welcome
- Jenni Nicholls, EPI Group and Chair of MST Sector Council
- Kevin Keable, Chair EEEGR
Keynote Speaker and Event Partner Address
- Tom Nightingale, Local Supply Chain Manager (UK) Renewables, Equinor
Key Sponsor Address
- Keith Higgins, Key Client Adviser, Venterra Group
Session One: Developer Panel/Project Updates
- Equinor: Daniel Richards, Principal Consultant – Consenting and Permitting
- Orsted: Jason Ledden, Project Director
- SSE: Roger Birchall, Technical Authority
Session Two: Environmental and Consenting
- Detection of oil spills from historical shipwrecks using a cloud platform – Tiago Silva, Cefas
- Classification methodology for the management of biogenic reefs – Sam Strutton/Corinne Buckmaster, ERM
- Topic TBC – Ian Wilson, Benthic Solutions
Lunch and Networking
Session Three: Survey and Engineering
- Approaches to UXO Risk Management – Keith Higgins, Ordtek
- The Use of Surface-Mount Multi-Beam Echosounders for Pipeline Freespan Detection – Ed Self, Gardline
- Integrated Geomodel for cable routes – Cristina Barbalucca, Next Geosolutions
- How hot is your cable? Optimising design of subsea cables with an integrated ground model and thermal analysis – Jack Green, Seequent
- Geophysics and the art of communication:- with Boulders- Roger Birchall, SSE
- Ultra-high resolution 3D seismic imaging, potential to revolutionize offshore wind power development – Tone Holm-Trudeng, TGS
- Topic TBC – Sulmara
Session Four: Innovation and Up and Coming Technologies (including integration of AI)
- Advancements in Marine Autonomy: Remote & Real-Time Data Collection – Nicky Harris, Seiche
- Commercialising Pulcea’s novel Underwater Noise Mitigation fluid – Ian Armstrong, Pulcea
- USVs along with AI technology for the identification of seagrass beds – Richard Dowdeswell, GeoAcoustics
- ContinuousThrust TM Turbine Technology – Robert Norfolk, Max Nicholas Renewables
- Virtual Engineering for the Real World – presented by Tecosim
- Using state-of-the-art fibre optic ground sensing equipment to monitor coastal erosion processes on the North Norfolk Coast Jess Johnson, Associate Professor in Solid Earth Geophysics, UEA
Thanks to our sponsors
Headline sponsor

Key event partner

Supporting sponsors

Feedback from the 2024 event

What a fantastic conference – well done.
Packed with innovative and important inputs from colleagues across the region that are so passionate and knowledgeable about their subject. What an absolute privilege to share the day.

Sulmara extends our thanks to EEEGR and the Marine Science & Technology Sector Council, industry experts, local students, attendees, and energy developers for organising and contributing to the success of “Energising the East: the new technologies enabling offshore revitalisation.”
The exchange of insights and ideas during all talks and notable student attendance proved promising for the future of site characterisation and our collaborative efforts in the Joint Industry Project (JIP).
Congratulations on a great event and thank you for organising it and hosting us.
For more information or to register interest to present, sponsor and/or participate, please contact either: karen.freeman@eeegr.com; jenni.nicholls@epigroup.com; or c.matthewman@uea.ac.uk
Sponsorship opportunities