Networking Lunch “Revive & Thrive: Transforming Lowestoft – a Regeneration Journey” in conjunction with East Suffolk Council and Generate  

Event Details

Venue: OrbisEnergy, Lowestoft
Date: 03/10/2023
Time: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Description

Invitation to join us at this free event combining a networking lunch with a first-hand update on the regeneration plans for Lowestoft

Microsoftteams Image
Image from last EEEGR members networking event (breakfast at SaxonAir)

East Suffolk Council recently commissioned a study into the future land needs requirements for the clean energy, maritime and engineering sectors in Lowestoft.

With feedback received, it is felt that now is an appropriate time to provide further detail on the future for the PowerPark, the town centre and the wider area.

Join our networking lunch to learn and find out how we are working to regenerate Lowestoft and improve its attractiveness for employers and employees alike. Whether it’s creating commercial premises for businesses to expand in to or providing employees with improved cultural experiences for after work downtime, we are starting to deliver, and we want to tell you more!

In addition to short presentations and networking, there is also the opportunity to arrange a one-to-one appointment to discuss specific sites and your growth plans privately with East Suffolk Council.  These appointments can be arranged by clicking on the below link.

1 to 1 Business Support Sessions at Networking Event Tickets, Tue 3 Oct 2023 at 14:00 | Eventbrite


1200Welcome and Introductions
1210Land use study update
1225OrbisEnergy opportunities
1235A new cultural experience for Lowestoft
1300Networking lunch
1340 onwardsOne-to-one pre-arranged meetings with Council Officers

Council Officers in attendance

Regeneration: Stephen Hart/Darren Newman

Economic Development: James Chandler

Business Support: Morag McInnes

OrbisEnergy / GENERATE: Ian Pease

Property Management: Chloe Smith

This event is limited to 40 delegates so bookings will close as soon as this number is reached. Please book now to avoid disappointment.

EEEGR (East of England Energy Group)
Skills for Energy (East of England)
Es Suffolk Logo Blue 2
Generate Logo Full Colour

Please note that as a shared event, booking information will be available to the other third parties involved.

EEEGR Networking Lunch

Ticket Delegates Price Quantity
EEEGR Networking Lunch 1 £0.00 Sold Out