The Marine Science & Technology Sector Council continued their tour of the region with the most recent member forum being held at Cefas in Lowestoft, kindly hosted by our Vice Chair Jon Rees.
It was great to see so many of the group joining us as well as new members ARC Marine® and Waves Group Ltd – thanks David Blake and Anthony Van Damme MBA AVI AFNI for presenting to us all. Another thanks to Sophie Skipp of Equinor for bringing along her colleague Daniel Richards who gave an interesting update on Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon Offshore Windfarms. We also welcomed another guest – Diego Durantini from the University of East Anglia – to discuss how computing science can be used within the marine environment.
We also discussed the group’s next event – which has proven to be extremely popular over the past two years – so please note the date for next year: Tuesday 18 March 2025, again at Norwich City Football Club incorporating a separate area for skills activity to promote the sector to students from our local schools and colleges. If you would like to indicate your interest in sponsoring or speaking at the event then please let myself or Jennifer Nicholls know.
Our next member forum will be held in December, coinciding with a few festive drinks – watch this space for more details!