Innovative new East Coast College Workforce training project Catalyst has launched.

East Coast College has received funding to deliver an exciting new project called Catalyst to provide free training to people employed and living in the borough of Great Yarmouth as part of Great Yarmouth Borough Council’s People and Skills Programme.  

This initiative, funded by the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund, will provide a wide range of training opportunities in areas such as Digital Skills, Customer Service, and English for Speakers of Other Languages.

This fully funded grant programme can also be accessed by people employed in the borough of Great Yarmouth and by businesses wanting to develop their workforce through 1-day customer service and digital skill courses in areas such as Microsoft Excel.

Engagement in the project also means that each participant will receive a personal development review and be set up with a skills plan to support their career progression.

If you are an employer interested in training your workforce or a person employed in the borough who has a query about a course, you can contact East Coast College by emailing with your contact details or by calling the team at 01502 525177. A team member will then contact you to discuss how the project can help you.